We expect all our students to adhere to our Routines for Respect that are in place in every classroom. This makes the most of learning time and is a key feature of being part of Team JQA.
Rewards and recognition are very important aspects of learning at Jewellery Quarter Academy. Due to our high expectations, we will never reward students for doing the expected. Our reward positives recognise the ‘over and beyond’ qualities that exude our CORE values.
Examples of this might be:
- Working together successfully with others to produce a high-quality outcome
- Selflessly helping another member of the JQA community
- Outstanding effort to make the most of every minute of learning
- Representing the school superbly on a trip or visit
- Pride in work – high quality presentation
- Demonstrating high-quality respect for others
- Superb classwork or homework
- Outstanding performance to represent the school
- 100% attendance
Positives will be recorded by staff via Class Charts for the above behaviours and can be viewed on Class Charts using the login which is written in student planners or available to parents from Reception. Students can cash in their positives at the Reward Shop to win prizes and also qualify for rewards such as Hot Chocolate with the Headteacher (fortnightly), Reward Assemblies (Termly), End of Year Rewards trip (Annually).
We have the following other positives available:
- Form Tutor positives
- SLT positives
- Headteacher positives
Jewellery Quarter Academy has a fair and robust behaviour policy in place.
JQA Behaviour and Rewards Policy 2024-25
STEP System For Parents
The behaviour policy can be found on the Statutory Information page.