Each CORE Academy has its own Local Governing Body (LGB). Their role is to work with the Headteacher and the staff to make our Academy and community a great place for our children to learn and prosper. Representing parents, staff and the local community, each member brings a breadth of skills, knowledge and experience to the governing body. The LGB also works closely with the Trust’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO), and together they ensure scrutiny procedures are effective and that governance is robust, with a strong regard for statutory compliance.
Details of our LGB are available here.
The constitution of our LGB is here: https://www.corejewelleryquarter.academy/wp-content/uploads/sites/8/Constitution-JewelleryQuarterAcademy.pdf
Details of business interests of our LGB are here: https://www.corejewelleryquarter.academy/wp-content/uploads/sites/8/JQA-LGB-business-interests-23-24.pdf
If you wish to contact the Local Governing Body, please get in touch by emailing: [email protected].
For funding agreements, annual reports, accounts and remuneration over £100k please visit: core-education.co.uk/governance/annual-reports-accounts/.
For further information regarding Governance (Trust and Academy), including Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association please visit: CORE Education Trust.