Students should be accessing Reading Plus, MathsWatch and Seneca or GCSE Pod regularly as per our policy.
These apps are used to:
- Consolidate and refine learning, basic literacy and numeracy skills and understanding
- Deepen learning enabling students to make connections with what they are learning, recent scholarship and the world around them
- Prepare students for future learning.
Supporting your child with home learning:
- Make sure your child has access to key apps such as Reading Plus, MathsWatch, Seneca and GCSE Pod (if they are in Year 10/11)
- Build homework into your child’s evening routine
- Use incentives and rewards such as giving them gaming or screen time as a reward for an hour of Reading Plus work.
- Provide a quiet space for your child to complete any homework set
- Ensure they have an appropriate device to complete online work via Teams and Word and access to the internet
- Check to see if their homework is completed by reviewing their planner
- Check with their tutor if you have any concerns regarding homework. You can contact them directly via email from the website’s Who To Contact page.
Continuous Learning Policy 2024-25
Homework MICrosoft TEAMS GROUPS
Each cohort has a Microsoft Teams group where any additional quizzes and assignments may be set for each subject.
An outline of this is on our Class Charts calendar:
All students must have access to Microsoft Teams and Microsoft Word on a device.
If you are using a mobile phone to submit homework Assignments, watch this short guide here:
If you are using a laptop/desktop to submit homework Assignment, watch this short guide here:
request a device
Most homework can be completed by having the Microsoft Teams app on a mobile phone (see video above). However, we do have a limited amount of laptops for loan for parents/carers whose child has no access to a device at all. You can request a device for your child by completing the form here:
Below are the Homework Teams groups for every year group to access the additional assignments/quizzes:
Year 8 Homework Teams Group
Year 9 Homework Teams Group
Year 10 Homework Teams Group
Year 11 Homework Teams Group
Reading plus, mathswatch, seneca and gcse pod
All students in Year 7, 8 and 9 are expected to complete 1 hour of Reading Plus per week. Students can access Reading Plus on any device by visiting the link:
All Maths homework is set via MathsWatch and can be accessed via the link below. All students will need their MathsWacth logins which are available from their Maths teacher:
Seneca contains lots of useful activities, particularly Science. Students need to create their own logins by signing up with their school email address:
For students in Year 10 and Year 11, GCSE Pod gives access to hundreds of podcasts, helping them to revise key knowledge and topics. Students need to create their own logins by signing up with their school email address:
We recommend parents save these links to the Home Screen of their child’s device for easy access.