I hope you all had a restful Summer break. It was wonderful to welcome back our brilliant students today and welcome our new Year 7 students too. It is going to be a warm week to ease us back into school life in the sunshine – please send your child in with a re-fillable water bottle to stay hydrated.
Students have started the year by settling back into life at JQA – becoming re-acquainted with our routines and expectations. All students have been issued with a planner to help them stay organised in the year ahead and also key login information for their homework platforms. You can find out more about what students should be doing at home on the website here.
Some of our students have a new form tutor as we welcomed new staff yesterday. Form tutors are the first point of contact for parents and we encourage you to get in touch with details for staff being found here. New staff have had a full induction and have settled in quickly to the school.
Class Charts is now the system we use to share details of your child’s performance at school. By downloading this or logging onto the Class Charts website and entering your unique code, you can receive notifications about your child’s performance. This will let you know if your child receives a ‘positive’ for demonstrating our CORE values, if they receive a detention for infringing our Gold Standards and will also give you key details about their attendance and punctuality.
We have also encouraged all students to write their name in their uniform labels today so that they can be identified. It was brilliant to see all students looking smart on the gate this morning, ready to shine!
I would ask all parents to make sure their child brings in the expected equipment for learning every day and arrives by 8.30 at the very latest from Wednesday 6th September.
As we look ahead, students commence their formal timetable tomorrow and we will also have some opportunities for students to engage in Heritage Week activities, celebrating the history and heritage of the Jewellery Quarter in particular later this week, ahead of the city-wide events next week too.
We have scheduled our weekly Coffee Mornings to be on Wednesdays too from 9-11am so please drop in if you need support with anything, particularly with Class Charts.
All events for this academic year, including Parents’ Evenings are now on our website.
As always, you can call the Academy on 0121 729 7220, leaving a message if the line is busy and we will get back to you. Our line is very busy in the daytime so I encourage parents to use the voicemail facility by pressing option 2.
You can always contact me directly at: [email protected]