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Year 11 begin their exams tomorrow and we are looking forward to seeing students bright and early, ready to shine, in breakfast boosters from 8am. All parents have revision and exam text alerts set up to let you know what your child will need to prioritise in terms of revision the night before an exam. Year 11 will be on break 2 and will be served first at lunch for this period to support them. A new Sports Zones rota is in place for the exam period. Year 11 can continue to attend CORE Extra or go home to revise and we will respect whatever decision Year 11 students make on Tuesdays.

A reminder that attendance and punctuality for Year 11 to every exam is absolutely crucial – the exams cannot be sat again and have to start at certain times. They won;t wait for anyone that is late!

We welcome back Miss Egerton from maternity leave today and she will be working with Year 8.

Year 10 students really enjoyed the French cookery experience last week – the food they created was delicious! It was also fantastic to see our sporting gems training at Alexander Stadium as part of the Birchfield Harriers partnership. There are Year 7 and Year 8 rewards trips taking place this week as well as a numeracy related-trip to KPMG for our talented Maths students who may want a career in finance. 20 girls in Year 10 are also working with the NHS this week and Year 7 are having workshops with the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire. Students in Year 9 have assessments this week and next.

Thank you to our Assistant Headteacher, Mr Bibb, for Mental Health Awareness assemblies last week. As always, the school is open for drop-ins on Wednesday for any parents that want any help with anything. As we enter exam season, it’s a particularly stressful time for students. We encourage all students to use our well-established Sharp System to share with us if they, or a friend, is in need of support.

Students are having virtual assemblies all this week on Walk To School Week, led by Mrs Bains who has been leading our students leaders to promote Active Travel.

As always, you can call the Academy on 0121 729 7220, leaving a message if the line is busy and we will get back to you. Our line is very busy in the daytime so I encourage parents to use the voicemail facility by pressing option 2. If you would like urgent support, you can always reach Mr Bibb (our Designated Safeguarding Lead) on option 4.

You can always contact me directly at: