I hope you had a lovely half term. Our latest edition of the newsletter is online and I hope you have had a chance to read through all the highlights of the first half term. We have returned back to school today and students have all had a virtual assembly from me to set the tone for the half term ahead. It’s another busy half term and you will see on our events calendar that there is lots going on – an Opportunity Day, Remembrance and a Winter Show to round off the term! We start with Year 11 mock exams tomorrow. A full timetable for this can be found on our website and I have set up text reminders to Year 11 parents so they can support with revision timetables at home. All Year 11 students have had an assembly from Miss Ivey and Miss Betteridge which outlines the expectations when it comes to these exams and have been issued with their minimum target grades. I look forward to a successful first set of exams and look forward to seeing Year 11 parents at the Progress Evening on the 8th December.
The dark nights are now upon us and as children enjoy events like Halloween and also Bonfire Night, there is some guidance from us and West Midlands Police on our website that I would like to share with all families. It is important you speak to your child about taking the quickest route home safely and we will echo those messages. Parks are not safe routes through or to hang around in and we encourage students to travel to and from the Academy in groups. Our partnership with Step Together continues throughout the darker nights to support students to get on public transport quickly and safely.
Attendance is crucial as we head into Winter. I would like to express my concern that some children already have poor attendance for this academic year. I expect students to attend every day. I will not authorise ANY holidays in term time unless there are exceptional circumstances so please do not book these. We work with Birmingham City Council’s FastTrack team and our new Attendance Officer swilkinson@corejewelleryquarteracademy will be working with this team to issue fines for poor attendance and any holidays in term time. Parents are legally responsible for their child having excellent attendance. Any child that misses two days of school will automatically fall below of our expectations so it’s important your child attends every day on time.
We have a brilliant new breakfast provision in place – any child arriving between 8.15-8.30 can go and grab a free slice of toast and juice from the Refectory to set them up for the day. Please encourage your child to take this offer up. In some cases, I have seen children eating crisps and chocolate in the morning as they head to the Pope St gate. This is not a healthy breakfast and purchasing items like this only serves to waste money when it is already becoming difficult for families with the cost of living crisis. There is FREE breakfast available, provided your child is on time. There are a small minority of students who frequently arrive after 8.35 and are then late despite living within walking distance of the Academy. That is unacceptable and inexcusable. All students must be here for 8.30 as the gates close at 8.35.
I have issued letters to some students’ families outlining that they are no longer permitted to bring their mobile phone on site due to persistent misconduct. I will remind all parents about the rule that mobile phones are not seen or heard and are subject to confiscation. The Academy is not responsible for students’ mobile phones or devices and they are brought in at students’ own risk.
Unfortunately, we have no applications from parents to join our Local Governing Board yet. I will extend the deadline for these applications until 4pm on Friday 4th November 2022. Applications should be sent to [email protected]
As always, you can call the Academy on 0121 729 7220, leaving a message if lines are busy and we will get back to you.
You can always contact me directly this week at: [email protected]