It has been wonderful to see Year 11 engaging so positively in the additional after school sessions each day as part of our ‘Golden Hour’ programme to give them more time. It has also been brilliant to see Year 11 and Year 10 students logging into and using GCSE Pod to supplement their learning. One form in Year 11 has 98% of students regularly logging into GCSE Pod. Our Homework Policy is here for all parents.
Year 11 students are already starting to think about their next steps and we have a list of local Open Events for post-16 providers that we are sharing with Year 11 parents and students.
I must remind parents that the school gate closes in the morning at 8.35am. It is important that students are arriving in good time to get themselves set up for the day. We offer a free breakfast between 8.15 and 8.30 and ideally we would like all students to be here by 8.30.
We have a number of opportunities to share with students this week, including the return of the Saturday Club, in partnership with BCU. This creative workshop begins again soon and we’d love some of our gems to take part again. Any interested students should see Miss Mazzoni. We also have our Musicians in Residence working with students again to offer free music lessons.
Our termly Student Survey closes this week so please encourage your child to complete in by Thursday using our Piota app.
A ‘Family Hub’ will be opening in Ladywood in the next few months. We are very keen to share this with parents who can co-produce this hub with organisers from Birmingham City Council. We hope families will want to have their say on the site of the hub and the services offered there. Please see the poster link here to get involved.
Lastly, thank you to those parents who are tracking their child’s performance via Class Charts. It has been great to hear stories of parents’ phones pinging when positives are awarded and over 10,000 positives have been awarded to students since starting back in September.
As always, you can call the Academy on 0121 729 7220, leaving a message if the line is busy and we will get back to you. Our line is very busy in the daytime so I encourage parents to use the voicemail facility by pressing option 2. If you would like urgent support, you can always reach Miss Chudasama (our Designated Safeguarding Lead) on option 4.
We welcome you warmly to our weekly Coffee Morning on Wednesday between 9 and 11am.
You can always contact me directly at: [email protected]