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Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. Reporting directly to Parliament, they are independent and impartial. Ofsted inspects and regulates services which care for children and young people, and those providing education and skills for learners of all ages.

Every week, they carry out hundreds of inspections and regulatory visits throughout England, and publish the results on their website, working closely with those that need to improve.

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JQA is a ‘good’ school in all areas


It’s important to look at more than one performance measure when comparing schools and colleges to get a full picture of how it’s performing. While attainment figures tell you about the performance of a school or college’s pupils at the end of a key stage, it’s important to consider that pupils have varying levels of ability and many different starting points. 

2024 Provisional Results

Progress 8 score-0.73
Attainment 8 score33%
% of students achieving a grade 9-5 in English and Maths23%
Ebacc average points score2.76
 % of pupils entering the EBacc18.8%
Student destinations: % of students staying in education or employment99%

2023/2024 Results